Why I Like Twitter

Tweet I’ve been on Twitter for a couple of months now, trying to determine why it’s so popular and how it’s useful in our ultimate goal of creating a website ROI.  Follow me at www.Twitter.com/KurtScholle Twitter is a lot of things to a lot of people.  I’ll do some posts on its usefulness for learning/research, […]

Google Knol is Live

Tweet I’ve spent a little time this morning on Google Knol, the just released interesting platform of information that is basically a Wikipedia-like, blog-influenced, online repository of articles on any number of subjects.  Find it at http://knol.Google.com. Google defines ‘knol’ as a unit of knowledge. Google has been developing Knol as a beta and no […]

Test Your Marketing & Improve Conversion by Sitting on the Hotseat

Tweet I’m a fan of author and information marketer, Dan Kennedy.  Kennedy and his partner Bill Glazer have built an enviable franchise, including books, newsletters, conferences, training, etc.  And around the country, there are Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle Chapter Meetings where everyone has a chance to discuss marketing, exchange ideas and to network.  In Chicago, the […]