What I learned from Social Slam 2013 While Sitting in My Easy Chair

Tweet Best of Social Slam 2013 Morning Addition There used to be a service called Conference Notes, but I don’t know if it still exists.  Social media participation at conferences may have made it an obsolete model.  My friend Dan Morris shares his ideas on a weekly basis with his Letters From Dan, that sometimes […]

Search Engine Submission Pages

Tweet One simple way to boost website traffic is to get listed in search engines.  When people search for terms related to your site, hopefully they'll find your site listed in the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP) or two. Many sites are found by the 'spiders' the search engines use to travel from site-to-site […]

Why Websites Need Search Engine Optimization Every Year or So

Tweet I recently had a conversation with a client whose website we built several years ago.  She's interested in getting more traffic to her site to increase her business.  There are many success keys to a successful website and attaining ROI.  One of the most important is getting traffic to your web site.There are many […]