Hotel Marketing: How to Use Twitter to Put Heads in Beds

Hotel Marketing: How to Use Twitter to Put Heads in Beds & Fill Your Meeting Space

Hotel conferenceOne of the biggest advantages of using Social Media Marketing is the ability to engage prospects, just as you would at a trade show, chamber event or anywhere you might find someone you’d like to do business with.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with Social Media is not using it conversationally.  I see it with almost every hotel I see on Twitter.

Unlike TV spots, magazine ads, direct mail or yellow pages advertising, Social Media allows you to begin conversational networking with just about anyone, anywhere and anytime.

I have written about the importance of customer interaction and that social media use is on the rise.  I wrote about Social Media leads being 25% more likely to become sales opportunities.  I’ve written that it’s worth doing.

Now I’d like to address doing it the right way.  Specifically, using Twitter in a Hotel Marketing Plan.

In a moment, I’ll give you three recommendations to make hotel marketing using Twitter more successful.  But first…

The Biggest Twitter Mistake Hotels Make

They’re not conversational!

Here is an example of well-intentioned Tweets that fail to attract new followers who they can engage for conferences, receptions, room nights or customer satisfaction:

“Perfect for Valentine’s Getaway (link to web page”)  In fact this property did similar tweets every day for a week.  It was their only tweet of each day.  A tweet like this is OK as part of your messaging, but it doesn’t project a benefit of booking your getaway or invite any conversation.

Asking a question helps build the conversation!  How about something like, “Tell us what your ideal Valentine’s Day Getaway would be and you might just win it!”  You’ll get people responding to you and the people who follow them will see their responses to you and may begin following.  This is an example of viral marketing – getting a buzz going.

Another way to begin conversations is to re-tweet what someone says.  (It’s also a good way to get them to begin following you if they aren’t)  This works for meeting planners, local movers and shakers – any segment you’re interested in!

Another tactic is to ask questions about something that was tweeted.

Both of these tactics are great especially when you have a meeting going on in your hotel.  Seeing your guests engage you on Twitter builds your brand among everyone in their respective networks. Find out if a meeting or conference in your hotel is using a hashtag to organize tweets.  Most hotels never take advantage of this opportunity.  You’ll benefit from following it before, during and after the event!

It can also help improve their experience, especially if someone has a question about the hotel, local attractions, traffic or even a complaint about service.  (People are talking about you online.  Wouldn’t you like to know what was being said and have the ability to respond?)

3 Recommendations for a Better Hotel Twitter Strategy

  1. Be conversational.  Use Twitter search engines like LocaFollow or Twellow to find prospects based on terms they use in their profile or locations.  LISTEN to them, then begin a conversation, just like you might at a trade show or even your kids Little League game.  Interact with other properties.  Whether you’re flagged Motel 6 or Westin, brand loyalty is important, so you’ll want to be active with other properties within you brand. Bonus Tip: Use hashtags.  There are many people who follow hashtags who don’t know who you are but will when they see your tweets with hashtags they follow.  You’ll notice meeting planners and tour operators using them.  Sometimes it will be during an online chat.
  2. Update your bio.  Search engines like LocaFollow, etc find people based on keywords in your bio and the location you use.  Are you a Marriott property?  Full service?  Resort?  Golf course? 45,000 square feet of meeting space?  Put that in your bio.  You have 160 characters in your bio.  Try to use them all, but use terms people will use to find you, such as “St Louis wedding venue” or “Ft Lauderdale business hotel” or “Norfolk meeting space.”  Bonus Tip: Put your main phone number in your bio.
  3. Design a useful background.  You can always use the left margin of your Twitter page to promote your property.  It’s fairly easy to have a graphic created that shows off your rooms, golf course layout or dining area.  You can also list your property’s features or benefits.  Don’t just use your logo. Bonus Tip: Always include your phone number!

Here’s a Super Bonus Tip!

I have seen hotels get business by monitoring Twitter for mentions of “Chicago hotel”, “Conference space in Chicago” and similar terms.  Once the Tweeter was identified, a conversation began which lead to putting Heads in Beds and Butts in Conference Seats.

Want specifics?  Call me at (630) 482-9323

Affiliate Summit West – Tweets and Blogs Pt 2

Affilaite Summit West Recap

Here’s a followup to a previous post on the best tweets and blog posts from Affiliate Summit West 2011.  I find good information following hashtags from conferences I can’t attend.  You can look at them yourself: #ASW11.  I also have links to other blog posts below.

The Tweets:

Coming away with tons of ideas, new perspectives & strategic relationships @ #asw11 this year. Cant wait to get back & start implementing!

wow @chrisbrogan, @briansolis and a host of others sharing information is fantastic!

Affiliate of the year Deals.woot

Affiliate of the year: deals.woot #ASW11 (@kimarketing & @sunshinetricia were ROBBED!)

Affiliate Manager of the Year: Carolyn Kmet

Affiliate Manager of year: @ctang

Exceptional merchant: @zappos

Shocked @chrisclarkson did not win the Affiliate Manager of the Year at the #ASW11 maybe next year mate.

Congrats to @lisap for affiliate advocate of year!

Best Blogger: @esnagel

Affiliate Marketing Legend: @toddfarmer

“We’re all brand managers.” – @briansolis The Brand Dashboard: Bringing Conversations to Life –>

Who you are online is defined buy your actions and words…and your affiliations

@briansolis #ASW11 says social media command center on rise -rooms of screens where brands monitor social mentions. Social marketing HUGE.

“if I want to reach your network I have to say something compelling to you,” @briansolis #asw11 have to earn trust first

Watching Brian Solis at last day of #asw11. “F-commerce” age of facebook commerce is upon us

“Intersection of transparency and authenticity is the sweet spot” @briansolis

Trust Economy is where we are right now

Before the “thank you” economy we first go through the “trust” economy

People use to turn to traditional media for news, but now consumers want the latest information to come to them

focusing all of his attention on the social consumer in the EGOsystem @briansolis #asw11 our job is to bridge our content & value

Even the best re-tweets last an hour. 6% get re-tweeted

Brian does not use Facebook checkins (yet)

Brian Solis #asw11 Checking-in and likes are forms of currency.

The Ego system is our sophisticated distribution of personal networks via @briansolis

@klout is used by @PalmsLasVegas to see if you are a high roller via @briansolis

92% of retweets happen in the first hour.

It’s not about the click. It’s about the (social) network.

The future of social business is driving experiences and not just responding to them

Context NOT content is King

Why #affiliate summit is the best marketing conference – nothing starts before 11:30 am & strong coffee all day

Social networks consumers spend 1.5 more than nonsocial consumers.

More women than men on Twitter @briansolis

Ads are “can I get your attention?” .. Social Media “can I get your intention?”

@briansolis has an interesting concept about the need for a Trust Economy. Things have gotten way out of hand. Can we get there?

This is your time to lead… Not follow

“Content is key but CONTEXT is king. Marketers, profile yr social consumers & learn what’s relevant”

The Blogs:

Day 2 of Affiliate Summit West 2011

Day 3 of Affiliate Summit West 2011 – Blogger Lounge

ASW11 Session Recap: Local Lead Generation

Monetizing Niche Content

Affiliate Summit West 2011 Wrap

Affiliate Summit West 2011 Recap

Affiliate Summit West 2011 – Tweets and Blogs

I wanted to attend Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas this week, but there are only so many days in the week and conferences one can attend.  But with Twitter, Slideshare and blogs its a little easier to follow along and learn a few things.  And while it’s no substitute for being in the room or the conversations in the hallways, the tweets help you find interesting people to follow and engage.

I followed the hashtag #asw11 and clipped the tweets I found most interesting.  Maybe you will too! Tweets from different sessions are mixed together, so use the conference schedule for more insights as to who was presenting, etc.  I’ll also link to some blogs posts from Affiliate Summit West 2011 at the end of this post.  I’d like to thank everyone who shared their impressions, tips and links, as well as the presenters who put the presentations together in the first place.

And now, on the Affiliate Summit West 2011 in Las Vegas!

Keyword research includes understanding what key phrases mean and how they are being used by your audience.

Google’s new guidelines for affilaites say “Don’t try to hide who you are.”

Single to 3 keyword phrases deliver traffic – four + keyword phrases increase conversion; Top ROI lies in the 3-4 keyword phrases

Use analytics to find out what keywords convert, how people find you, and what qualifiers are used.

Brainstorm, dig, sort ROI terms, remove the junk, prioritize, map core words to content,organize,segment, & group 4 keyword selection.

Finding trends relevant to your niche is critical for creating content.Use google insights to spot the trends.

“The evidence we have is that people who use Android search twice as much as everything else” Google CEO Eric Schmidt Oct 15th, 2010

WP-Touch Mobile Plugin for WordPress is the Most SEO Friendly for bloggers

Too many choices = no choice.

Have a clear call to action!

Leverage tools such as Google Webmaster tools to look for HTML, SEO, and link errors.

3 Rs of branding: Reachable, Responsive, and Real. @eprussakov

Your personal brand is your promise to the world…

Always document your SEO strategy, content (rough), metrics, labels ,& design before pushing live.Create a simple & seamless user exp.

Trends are all around us… you just need to act on them as affiliates

Its easier/more profitable to plan your sites with SEO in mind rather than play janitor and clean up messes.

Scraping accounts for 10% or more of daily page views on the web, not counting spiders from Google, Yahoo! and MSN

Observe trends and ask questions to other people, friends etc.. people on the street

Check out the search engines… and things like Twitter to spot hot topics and trends

Check out what´s happening with your kids, friends and family to spot actual trends

Affiliates are going to hurt in local SEO as Google rewards local businesses and brands in search results over virtual only.

Write and be written about. Your credibility skyrockets.

As they lose rankings to local & brands, affiliates relying on SEO have to focus on content niches, ppc, & email over natural SEO.

#Tip from @wiredprworks at #asw11 – don’t have an elevator pitch, instead share a mini-success story.

Scraper activity can directly impact your reputation and ability to conduct business after ur website is associated with scraper sites

Be seen online, everywhere.

As lose rankings 2 local & brands affiliates rely on SEO hv 2 focus on content niches ppc & email ovr natural SEO.

Are you focusing on one or two areas only-social media, blogging, forums

Be seen offline. HARO one of best tools. Reporter connection too. paid but good.

Borrow social influence.

Interview the experts and share their expertise. Name associated with them.

Affiliates going to hurt in local SEO as Google rewards local biz in search over virtual only.

How many of you have testimonials on your LinkedIn profile?

JimKukral wears a suit because people who give him money are more likely to give him more if he is seen in a suit.

How people perceive you is huge, what kind of trust are you building?

Put testimonials in your resume, bio, & LinkedIn profile.

#jobhuntchat personal branding #tip from @fawnkey

Trust is required. Do you have it? Once you have trust, there is no limit to what you can do.

Dig deeper into Google insights and compare the longtail with more mature brands or trends

How will you make yourself memorable enough to build your brand today?

Be memorable. Nobody remembers anybody in the middle.

But… Nobody cares that you’re a middleman as long as you give them what they need.

Merchants should give affilaites the tools to succeed. So what tools would an affiliate like to have/would help?

When you solve people’s problems, you win.

2 reasons people come to internet: to have a problem solved & to be entertained. Do either better than anyone else & win.

Update your personal LinkedIn status daily to show you have something to bring to the table.

Is blogging meeting your branding goals? What if you started making video everyday instead?

Content, content, content. Stop blogging and try something different (video, webinar, ?)

Good tip: your title tags should better match the page content

What are you doing that’s different from everone else?

Of all the conferences I’ve been to, #ASW11 has the most people actually doing business compared to any conference I’ve seen.

The experts at #ASW11 say link building and localization will be key to SEO in the next 12 months.

#ASW11 prediction: sites will be under more scrutiny in 2011 – original content more important, associations with low quality sites harmful

ad is deceptive when claim or omission would materially mislead consumers acting reasonably in the circumstances

Use to check your websites mobile readiness

experts say you should create content to try to become an authority in your industry – links come with that.

FTC remedies include bands and bonds – death knell for your livelihood, reference I Works case

“Next 12 months in Search Engine Optimization will be link filtering and localization” says the SEO Pros

Don’t use more than 4 fields when designing mobile signup form for email

if your mom thinks you’re doing something wrong, you’re doing something wrong, it’s the gray legal areas that are tricky

FTC/AG enforcement priorities include financial offers, dietary supplements, upsells, memberships, free offers, CAN-SPAM

SEO Tip: When naming a contest use a keyword phrase in the title.

If you are doing biz online, make sure you are fully aware of existing and new laws

“PR people shouldn’t even be able to say the word SEO”

Interesting questions at #asw11 Ask SEO Pro session.

Google penalties,SEO baclinks.

Google has manual & algorythmic penalties. They can’t do anything to help you if it’s algo.

clear and conspicuous FTC effectiveness of disclosures: must be prominent, easy to understand and close to the language

Lots of talk about the rising importance of Local Search in the SEO sessions at #ASW11

When using email & SMS / mobile, send a welcome message before you start sending offers.

what kind of disclosure is good enough? must be unavoidable and must be in the most prominent place possible

My first Affiliate Summit… Wow…. What an amazing and eye opening experience

Mobile & wifi at @wynnlasvegas is awful. Doesn’t seem to matter what network-AT&T or Verizon-limited connectivity. #fail

Of all the conferences I’ve been to, #ASW11 has the most people actually doing business compared to any conference I’ve seen.

I must be missing some of the better sessions here at #ASW11 What were your favorites? SEO Site Clinic was the best yet for me…

How to create a viral campaign within Facebook? –

Help Illinois Bloggers: IL Affiliate Tax Will Devastate Small Businesses – Sign the Petition |

Highlight for me today was the SEO site review

Loved @BrianWilliams session on Mobile Marketing with Mike Koenigs

SEO sessions were the best this year at #asw11 Local search is hottest topic.

Wil Reynolds’ SEO presentation was very popular.  “Here are all the links from my session today: at affiliate summit #asw11

More Affiliate Summit West 2011 Conference Coverage

Affiliate Summit Blog

How to Make the Most of Affiliate Summit Conference: 10 Tips

Affiliate Summit West Day 1

Asking the Pros About SEO

ASW11 Coverage: Mobile Marketing – The 97% Response Rate Channel

ASW11 Mobile Affiliate Site Strategies

Dominating Your Niche With Blogger Outreach

Affiliate Marketing: The Social Media Connection

How to Create a Viral Campaign Within Facebook

John Chow’s Favorite WordPress Plugins

Advertising Psychology to Increase Conversion & Profits

Affiliate Summit Slideshare

What have I missed?